

A fella who likes to doodle. A mix of SFW and NSFW in here
Age 34 He/Him

フォロー数:302 フォロワー数:228

Zymire: Here we are!
Erdie: That's some welcome party.
Lozen: His belly is translucent!
Zymire: Hey Oshio! Mind if we pay a visit to the king?
Oshio: Oh... Not at all... He's... been expecting you...
Zymire: Great! Thanks!

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Zymire: Auraiol won't be that long of a trek.
Lozen: Wow! Look at the ghoul!
Erdie: Heh, he's got guts. Like me!
Zymire: Ello there! Don't mind us we're waddling through

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Zymire: We'll be going. Feel free to open the gift when the time comes.
Vellion: Will do! Tixo's very good at guarding.
Lozen: Where will we go next?
Erdie: How about Auraiol?
Zymire: Good idea! Those guys could brighten up for a bit!

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*Erdie takes care of Zethz while Zymire and Lozen go ahead to meet with Vellion and see the salamander is very bloated*
Zymire: Whoa.... What happened?
Vellion: Ah just ate some food spiked with blueberry juice. It's wearing off so no worries.

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Zymire: Hey guys. What's going on?
Zethz: This imbecile got the mayor puffy!
Argin: No! He did!
Erdie: I think they both did it...
Zymire: Can we see him?
Zethz: No!
Argin: ....Sure.
Erdie: Sorry Demon but we'll be going through now.
Zethz: Hey! Wai-!

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Zymire: Well we're near the entra- What's Argin and Zethz arguing about this time?
Lozen: Who knows...
Edrie: Let's find out then!
Zymire: Good idea!

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Zymire: Okay! Zarkol is off to nab the naughty folk I'll grab my "reindeer" Lozen and Erdie. Are you two ready to meet folks in Charmvale?"
Lozen: Yeah! It's been a while!
Erdie: Of course I'm ready!

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