

A fella who likes to doodle. A mix of SFW and NSFW in here
Age 34 He/Him

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:230

So today's Godzilla's birthday so I figured why not doodle him x3

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Voretober 31 and Seek
Welp... Charlez was right about that hiding spot. Happy Halloween everyone! :3

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Voretober 30: Hide
So here we have Charlez trying to himself and Nezbo from Zearo lurking around. The yeti thinks that this is a bad idea but the bluefoot is confident that the beast won't find them...

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Voretober 29 Elegance
Wasn't too sure how to do this but I decided to have Phara singing and Kore listening to the melody

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Voretober 27 Next
So Lagon is having a party in his belly and he has some more guests in line

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Voretober 26: Control
So here we have Sazgur giving Yeganam some powerful suggestions to eat anyone in his way as a little joke

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Voretober 25: Honey
So here have Glurb the snorlax having eaten a couple of beedrill since one of them told him that they made honey so the glutton ate both of them

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Voretober 24 Tender
So here we have Rockwell giving Ezark some time in his belly. The onix is quite soft for a rocky serpent

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