prince bitch, duke of hell 🇵🇸さんのプロフィール画像

prince bitch, duke of hell 🇵🇸さんのイラストまとめ

ev, white nonbinary asexual illustrator & writer // 28 yrs old // 245280 hour long cringe compilation with they/them pronouns // art acct: @ev_illust

フォロー数:239 フォロワー数:86

hi, love your work! im a nonbinary writer and illustrator who is open for dnd splash and character design commission :) i like writing stories about furious gay women and the Void

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soncam: cat camera for your son. i am slowly becoming unhinged

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usually i stay under my rock but saw a lack of tauren. whats up with that? here's corvos blackhoof and his gf/wife kay ashenvale in the style of a crappy romance novel, for kicks

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sorry one more thing someone please help me thru understanding how i live in a world where this happened

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this can be summed up with "i got issues but im trying"

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