

Self-taught office worker. Please do not use my work without permission. Contact: [email protected]

フォロー数:341 フォロワー数:28

お誕生日おめでとうセ-ラ-マ-キュリ !
Happy birthday Sailor Mercury. Here's some quick sketch I did today!

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Tauraco persa (Guinea turaco) is a bird that can be found in forests of West and Central Africa.

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不知火フレア/Shiranui Flare
Summer is ending, but something still burning hot no matter what season

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I will do my best next month too

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ポニーテール 高木さん
Ponytail Takagi-san. Finger crossed for the announcement for 3rd season🤞

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Congratulations on Douki-chan anime, Yom-san! I'll be forever grateful because your drawings make me want to draw too!

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