

I don't even live here anymore, you'll just get the occasional doodle from me sometimes (adult, he/him)

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Today’s CR Art is: Water you doin', Fjord? O:
Ft. My love for tentacle aesthetic resurfaces! (My baby........... how I have missed you)

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Today's CR Art is: My good luck charm, Beauregard, once again. Every time I draw her it seems I give myself the confidence to go and meet new people, its wild

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# of times Luke has cried about Caleb today: Eight. No. Nine now.
Thanks for the pain
Anyway im crying here's caleb doing the same 83c

(This isn't even today's daily CRart im on fire. ha. haha. (': ha)

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Today's CR Art is: The MOST adorable and LEAST painful part of last night's ep! Or this morning, for me, i cried myself to sleep in german and lemme tell you thats a fuckin experience

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Today's CR Art is: an EARLY Beauregard, because I have... a potential DnD group tonight? til like 10pm? whaaaaat??
lmao wish me luck and confidence yall,, hey, beau might be my confidence charm!

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Today's CR Art Is: Hello Naughty Human Son It's Bullseye Time
Nott just being like near effortlessly good at shooting is VERY good content. More of that pls

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Today’s CR Art is: Someone who knows they’re attractive and is going to make *full* use of this, ft. blood magic ;3c
(Insert emotional speech here)
One day I'll boil 'saved my life' down to fit 83c

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Today's Caleb Is: "Requiem", a quick scribble whilst I work on something bigger ;3c

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Today's Caleb Is: Something super simple bc I played DnD with a 7 year old today and i am So Tired yall. Plus, happy Caleb!

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whilst im here, my disaster campaign has two whole druids, neither of which have played before, and both of which NAILED their first session
here they are

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