

Amateur professional artist, wife and mom, vampire sympathizer, werebeast enthusiast, absolute nerd.
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Sometimes it's nice to just take some time to Just Be~ My doctor vampire Aureline Desoto, normally a bouncy workaholic happy to help where she can, just having some quiet time to herself for Day 30 of It's nice c:

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Making some kind of sassy clapback here is kaitou-cure-prism12 on Tumblr's gal Alya for Day 29~
I've honestly drawn more humans this month than I have in the last three years. It's been a learning trip! c:

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My softer vampire gal, Rori~ The only one of my crew so far with a prey animal fursona (a hare), but given that she's the most human of the ones I create for most, it fits! So she's here for Day 27 of

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Zerukova is the older dhampir brother to Tiger Lilly, and is Day 24 of He's helped their mom take care of a 150+ years old bonsai tree since he was a bab. His area of expertise is bonsai and decorative plants!

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Friend of mine just showed me the video of 'Prof', a teeny Frogmouth chick, from , and I just HAD to make a quick lil painting of the baby~ I love that beaky baby smile! <3

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Day 22 is an energy-based vampire from my Kirin herd~
includes the magic/energy based ones, too, and Chihana of Neighpon, Originator of the Pact and First of Her Line, is about to make someone's day Very Very Bad.

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A bloodthirsty tomcat for Day 21! This volunteer is Bexdrey on Tumblr's OC, and he looks ready to add someone else to his list of exsanguinated victims!

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Day 20's is a lovely lady become literal fatale, belonging to iamthewanderingbard on Tumblr~ I'm glad I waited till I had the right stroke of inspiration for her, I'm happy with how she turned out!

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Self-indulgent OC drawing today for Day 19, my bday! The Acheron Council Squad(tm), as their selves, for Katarina the tiger, Salizar the secretary shrike, Aureline the bengal cat, and Selina the fox ermine! <3

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One of my own OCs, Memento "Thornbane" Mori, necrodruid and murderer of a Vampony Progenitor, for Day 17 of I made that skull up entirely; don't ask her questions about her skulls~ She's as prickly as her epithet.

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