

main: @hybridlouse…

フォロー数:142 フォロワー数:252

yes i have new little bastard boy.........

0 3

who are you and why are you in my house

0 6

imagine getting thrown up by a twink LOL couldn't be me!!! (also a no-goop version)
heehoo iblis sexi

3 4

HHHAAAAAAAH?! (heavy wip lolololol)

0 5

jesus fucking christ.

1 10

I'VE FUCKING DONE IT I GOT THEIR HEIGHTS MOSTLY ACCURATE TO EACHOTHER WITHOUT ACTUALLY COMPATING THEIR HEIGHTS.........................i'm finally drawing my characters at a consistent scale LMAO

5 17

it's His turn......finally, wearing clothes that match

4 17

the mamas get their turn too!!!

5 10