

I'm a 21 year old bisexual autistic man(he/him). I like all kinds of vore, Death Note, PkMn, HazbinHotel and am also a Furry to top it all off lol

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getting eaten haha vore hhaaha aha 😱😱😱OMG N VORE

idk lol commentary is hard i love how i drew his tongue tho hehe

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ill post some of my pieces from the zine eventually. for rn tho take some size stuff cuz of Ns new outfit in pokemas😋lil N feets

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got some ideas for this outfit 👁️👁️ill post them tomorrow if i remember LOL

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little kitty N vore again lol

anyways i hc N purrs so like. imagine ur being swallowed and just hear him purring like😭💚He is so adorable
also yes i forgot to post yesterday i lost track of time 🤭

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doing a thing rn ...... . .. . . . ill prob post the finished tomorrow if i remember idk

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some N object vore for u yw
i love this man and i love vore! omg awesome! amazing
im sleepy gn

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anyways for vore related stuff u guys can have this shitty N edit (as a treat)

my version vs the original pic thx to my friend

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giant hungry mermaid N vore :3
he eatin an enitre ship. got damn

but thats just a little snack ....what will he eat next 🤔 (hopefully me)
also image with and without writing ur welcome

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