

Mako pfp by @MasanArt_ 😎
usually draw/play 3rd Strike, CvS2, Sonic and other stuff

reposts with credit/link= 🆗

フォロー数:868 フォロワー数:25891

thanks for the tag Spunky ✌
faces definitely aren't my strong point, but i'm proud of these ones

9 136

(w.i.p.) Thanks everyone for watching the stream, it was my secret goodbye stream since i won't be able to go live for a while 😅
things got critical here, i'm alright atm but i gotta move out and buy things back so i'm making a patreon with all my stuff+project files ✌(≧ω≦)

55 431

ayyy just hit 20k follows ✌(≧∇≦)
it may not change that much, but it's nice to look back and see that i actually improved between these milestones

👈this is me back in 2020
i can still feel that excitement of hitting my first big number after drawing this makoto 👉

45 461

i love these, i think each has a fragment of the best in me

14 144

art block got hands, but i know something even stronger

1 60