

✦ Ro || 30↑ || They/Them || ♿🔞 || SCAD Alum
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✦ Main: @nocturneoftruth
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フォロー数:82 フォロワー数:268

I love one (1) sunshine boy and one (1) samurai girl!!

29 56

In the middle of an Ikuhara series rewatch thanks to the release of Sarazanmai! How have I never posted a complete drawing of these two before??

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Y'know when I said the Valentines pic was my farewell to stsk...? I Lied. Anyway, who wants to talk about that one time Kazuki fELL OUT A WINDOW WHILE TRYING TO SAVE OUSHIROU??? (Original [tw loud]: )

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[tw food] Been looking for a good way to make a farewell pic to one of my first otome games (the company is dissolving) and figured 1am the night before is obviously the best time to start a Valentines pic. Anyway, here's Best Boy. 💕

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hi, my ipad is homophobic and showed me the incorrect ref colors, so here this pic is with the proper coloring :-)

13 30

[tw smoking] "And let me also say this..."

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