💀\o/💀 COMMISSIONS CLOSEDさんのプロフィール画像

💀\o/💀 COMMISSIONS CLOSEDさんのイラストまとめ

26. hi im emi and i like drawing my ocs contact me for commssions (closed)dm or email for more info [email protected]

フォロー数:887 フォロワー数:2049



it was this pic can u imagine like ur 10-11 yr old student coming up to u proud that they drew this why am i alive

0 4

blugh i got sudden artblock and everything looks wonky imm done w this

58 92

halloween corazon bust i did for !! thank u very much!

26 38

i gave up on this 3 mins into it so just take it bc blegh

91 79

u r my sunshine my only sunshine u make me h

61 70