

フォロー数:29 フォロワー数:61

지나가던 국수파리 봉변

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I'm sorry, I can't speak a foreign language other than my native tongue!
I'm trying to answer the question about the RT, which quotes my comments, but I'm using a translator.
I Love the Moon! I've been delivering neurons for her for a long time. 😊

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? sorry... I can't English well.. What's memhack?
I love Big Sis Moon! So.. I spent a long time passing nurons directly from the Five Pebbles area to the shoreline.😊
(If there is a wrong expression, forgive me!)

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물떡은 해안선이나 그늘진성채(할나로 치면 깊은둥지)에만 있어요! 하늘섬이랑 굴뚝에는 과일이.. 없어서 궁금했어요😂
파란 열매가 있기는 한데 실제론 벌레고치라서.. 아이는 대체 무얼 먹고 살까 궁금했었는데 그랬군요.. 나중에 게임하시구 다시 썰 푸실 날을 기대할게요! 아가 너무 귀여워요 😭😍

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이게 뭐야

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광휘도 1대당 2칸씩.. 화이팅..☺️

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360도로 침세례맞는 기사님

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화날땐 고양이에요!

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얘넨 대체 뭐가 문젤까

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