

Formerly known as JDK | World Witches fan artist and fanfic writer | Creator and Main Developer of the Tabletop Sim mod World Witches: Operation Cardfight!

フォロー数:159 フォロワー数:606

High Contrast 505 - Constantia Cantacuzino

29 56

Don't mess with Jennifer 🔥😆
ジェニファーの元ネタのデ・ブランク大佐とタバスコはどちらもルイジアナ州の出です ! ! なのでジェニファーと40年代のタバスコ瓶を一緒に描きました 😄

54 115

マリアン . . . 💢😳

39 85

This is something I've been meaning to draw for awhile now 😌

20 41

Happy birthday Erica!! and happy EMT everybody!! 💕💕

37 80

I couldn't do 'Erica Month' without a little nod to Victory Arrow 1 😌

31 94

Happy birthday to these two lovely witches! 🎉

94 198

Erica and Koume~

40 100