zircon💜life is pain and suffering whats upさんのプロフィール画像

zircon💜life is pain and suffering whats upさんのイラストまとめ

zircon || he/they || creator of @UTActToFlirt and #ULreimagine || MY CONTENT IS 16+

フォロー数:62 フォロワー数:1151

And it's done! I know it's a New Year's alt, but I'm a sucker for this Alfonse design, so merry Christmas with NY!Alfonse!

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I'm super tired so I'm gonna finish this in the morning but! New Year's Alfonse. I love him.

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I decided to finish off the sketch from the other day because I really liked it!!

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i did a sketch for my Alfonse emotions from this morning
but now I'm super tired for absolutely no reason so I guess I'll take a nap or something

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i somehow got the idea of making child characters for the Askr trio????????? welp here's Alf's son anyway

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Some random sketches I've been doing the past two months while watching 's streams! Had some really bad artist's block so I started out with just some practice by redrawing some of his works in my style, then decided to draw out some other pieces.

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