

Game account: FGO, Arknights, Twisted Wonderland, FFXIV, & GBF.
DP: @sakyunyu
Banner: @Hharu___ @FlonFlonFlon
Donate ♡: ko-fi.com/zoanthia

フォロー数:280 フォロワー数:374
# fgo

Oh my gosh I hope you can too! 🎉🎉
Maybe for Christmas in a couple years?? 🥰

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Eeee!! Got these wonderful commissions from ! 🥰❤❤
They're both so great!

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Ahhh, I really hope so!!

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🎉 Announcement!🎉
I will be streaming Arjuna Alter Summoning on Wednesday, June 9th at 9pm Pacific!
I am Sooooooo excited for these rolls! We will be using up all my quartz, or until we hit NP5 Arjuna Alter. Whichever comes first!
Youtube Link: https://t.co/wQpjAD3OsW

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Congratulations!! What a great 3 rolls!!

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Yaasss!! Should be a fun stream! And then we get new chapter! Ah!!!

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Omg tonight is the livestream lesssgoooo!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

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Of course! The artist is !
She drew this for me as a gift and I love it so much! 😊❤❤

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Oh gosh the lost belt 4 livestream is tomorrow!!
Gosh I'm so excited!
I wonder which Arjuna outfit Nobunaga will be dressed as! 😊😊😊

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