

- Co-founder @cozylabsxyz @cozyversexyz - Engineering director @ blockchain company - Prev eng & leadership @ Riot Games

フォロー数:2236 フォロワー数:4127

132 eggs hatched and 6.6 million MILK burned and no 1/1 💀

11 101

Grateful to the DAO for hooking me up with my web3 waifu. Ty for getting me started!

Pretty pumped to get the video call extension set up. You hop into a job interview for your dream job and see her on the screen. How do you react?

1 13

Gonna be honest that was the one penguin thing I never did as a kid. I did play a ton of Neopets though. Guess who my dude was

0 7

I heard we're squading up

5 123

Show me what you got

1 9

This fawn is the epitome of cute

0 6

When we further grow our community I'll find the best way to fairly get them in the hands of more members (I purchased 300+ except 5 free mints from exchanges). Goal is have the highest unique members but for now I'll just keep accumulating :). Only grail I'll keep is 👇

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