ZORNOW MUST BE DESTROYED! Internationally nefarious comic artist/ illustrator,sometimes writer, and villainous mad monster

フォロー数:2426 フォロワー数:2180

just grabbed it this morning on steam….respect…

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It’s good to WANT things. But once you’ve learned of the MIRACLES and HAPPINESS and JOY that comes with our lord and savior you will only want Gigan’s cyber-love

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YOOOOOO I finally checked out my recent purchase. was havin a crazy sale on I got and all for under 12$! Wow! The games are tweaked and changed enough that they def give a different experience! Well worth the $

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Tonight’s recreational treats, then I’m gonna take flight and shoot some invading hordes on some radness

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I’m VERRRY tempted to get myself a vintage get it modded up and nice JUST so I can play it, and hopefully track down a copy of GG ALESTE III, cuz I still DESPERATELY want to play this game, but am unwilling to buy a switch just for one game!#RETROGAMING

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Oh shit! This is one of my all time fav games,

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