

Artist: 70% of my body is made up of Touhou / ENG speaker / Currently Learning JP / Art Tumblr: / Ko-fi:

フォロー数:2576 フォロワー数:470

Good as hell to see him give props to Elevator Action Returns tho. One of my favorite games on Taito Legends 2 tbh.

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ngl at first i thought that pic was from that one doujin where arle gets infected with puyos and they have to get minotaur to 'inject her with an antidote' to get the puyos out of her body, but the art style's different so nah

pic unrelated

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The cool thing about touhou is that everyone has their own unique take on every character. people interpret the setting and characters in various ways. it's pretty neat.

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No one talks about this character enough and she remains an enigma. Who is Icarus? where did she come from? why did she attack VIVIT? How is she capable of breaking the fourth wall? Why is she so out of place looking in Seihou Project?

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welcom to the gunshow mtherfucker

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Zoune plays one of these games and recommends it to all his friends like he's the first one to ever play it

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Another thing I love about Guilty Gear chara selects:
Each figher's name is rendered in a different font, it's almost like a logo, really conveys character identity. Some of the character names aren't even rendered in latin characters!

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Shit like this is absolutely cool as hell

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