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Awesome fanart by Greg Goff.
"Here’s a thing I’ve been wanting to paint for awhile now. Finally did it. Not exactly what I envisioned, but not bad for an amateur with some spray paint & trash bags"

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Awesome Dune-art by Matt Rhodes on Ig.
Dune - Ambush
Paul and the Fremen ambush some Sardaukar.

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Stilgar and the sands of Arrakis by niko_varo on Ig.

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Another option for quarantine creativity instead of plasticine! Via on Twitter
Have a nice weekend even if anybody has to work! And stay at home instead of those who can't do this..

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Stilgar made by ilya-b on DeviantArt. And Javier Bardem as Stilgar in the new Villeneuve's Dune-movie.

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New art about Timothée Chalamet as Paul Atreides by on Ig.

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Bene Gesserit by Murray-von-Steroid on DeviantArt

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Inspired by sweetechalamet on Ig! A collection of wonderful Paul Atreides-artworks. How the artists imagine Timothée Chalamet as Paul Atreides? I have already shared some of them earlier but I put them together now.

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