

フォロー数:141 フォロワー数:4845

old sprite is meatier than the destroyer lmao
so i tried to make him lose a bit of weight

0 4

currently in the process of respriting literally everything on the spirit mod lmao
here's today's progress so far

12 117

Finished Mothgirl

19 194

wips mothgirl?????

1 36

fun fact
my pfp is actually a bastardized version of this sui ishida painting that i pixelated and tweaked to my preference

it's basically my headcanon of what this character looks like
i like it c:

1 30

i have witnessed girly boy yharim

0 2

i got a tablet
trying out csp brushes

1 17

more unfinished drawings

1 16

rendering practice, using clean af lineart from

0 11