

フォロー数:4875 フォロワー数:2978

gm fam ☕️🍩 Happy Azukiversary! ⛩️

1 37

Yooo! Came home to find my custom Bogart Beanz made by ’s talented wife! So damn cute—thank you! Oh, and uh, bunz confirmed! 🫘🍑 Please reach out to him for your very own!

28 145

These are my banner-ready art pieces! 💛 Love to be able to support fellow Beans and super happy with the ERC-721A mint...I mean other than not minting a Zomi.🥺😜 H/T to my Bay Area Beans & . 👊

5 30

Yo! Check out this awesome commission of my by ! Appreciate your efforts! Everyone go get yours and support an up and coming artist!

10 112

Thanks for the sick edit! Can’t wait for my SHINY jacket 😜

1 11