zzz AI drawingさんのプロフィール画像

zzz AI drawingさんのイラストまとめ

I post AI illustration of blonde girl.
ブログ Blog:ai-drawing.net
サブブログ Sub-Blog ai-drawing2.net

フォロー数:2202 フォロワー数:14720

White blouse, pink, cherry-patterned skirt, pink cardigan, great.

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This is her April outfit. I chose a white blouse, pink skirt (cherry blossom pattern), and pink cardigan.
In Japan, cherry blossoms are the most popular flower, and they go well with the outfit.

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I am thinking of a costume for June.
I added ruffles to the outfit I mentioned earlier.
This makes it better as a painting.
This kind of costume is too seasonal and difficult to do in real life, and it is only possible in painting.

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It is fun to think of costumes.
I used hydrangeas and rainbows as the motif for the June costume.
I paired her white blouse with a purple skirt and a floral print on the skirt.
I think adding a little more ruffles will improve it as a picture.

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This is a picture of a by-product of the costume study process.
It's nice that the skirt makes it invisible.

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How about this kind of costume?
The motif of the night sky is represented by a blue one-piece dress or jumper skirt with embroidery and accessories to represent stars.
Her hair is braided to match the costume.
It is fun to think of costumes.

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Three works were submitted to AI Picturs.
Please take a look if you like.
I am making a costume like this. I like it because it is cute.

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Good morning!
It is going to be cold again in Japan today.
Please do not catch a cold.

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Submitted to AI Pictors. Today's mission is finished. Good night.

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