アスナ(ポケモン)のタグが付いたイラスト。 21ページ目

1245 件


First game, favourite game, favourite Pokemon, favourite trainer https://t.co/CG2Fx2XouU

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First Game, Favorite Game, Favorite Pokémon, Favorite Trainer


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Drop your first pokemon game, favorite game, favorite pokemon, and favorite trainer. Pearl wasnt mine, never finished it. X was my first pokemon game to own and i put alot of hours and exploration and work into the game. I loved it. Purrloin my baby. F-fire lady.. https://t.co/w4n9uKW9ZM

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drop your first game, favorite game, favorite pokemon, and favorite trainer! 🙏🐶 https://t.co/GIqnXLQLJA

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first game, fav game, fav pokemon, fav trainer 👀 flannery really was the blueprint huh? shoutout to flannery for singlehandedly diagnosing me with bisexual https://t.co/ugVck2UbzI

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First Game, Favorite Game, Favorite Pokemon, Favorite Trainer https://t.co/i3tTtSaggu

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first game, favorite game, favorite pokemon, favorite trainer

i'm a gen 3 purist and it shows lmao https://t.co/loBmxPcbS6

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First game, favorite game, favorite pokemon, favorite trainer https://t.co/t7UAuua1D5

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first game, favorite game, favorite pokémon, and favorite trainer ✨ https://t.co/Lbc3KeXZIw

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Personally, the best Gym Leader has to be Flannery. A hot (GET IT?!) design, and her personality is very unique. Having a shy/inexperienced girl who tries too hard to be cool on the outside is amazing. Not completely dandere but she's fucking great.

She also runs a hot spring😍

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Drop your first game, your favorite game, your favorite pokémon, and your favorite trainer

true facts https://t.co/bV7MP1aln6

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👻 drop your first game, your favorite game, your favorite pokémon, and your favorite trainer https://t.co/hfttIUjLwe

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First game, favorite game, favorite Pokemon, favorite trainer ♥ https://t.co/99ZqFBA16G

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Gen 3 best gen. also trubbish cute https://t.co/V6je9KrQSG

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First game, fave game, fave Pokémon, fave trainer!

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Drop your first game, your favorite game, your favorite Pokémon, and your favorite trainer. ⚡️🌊🔥♨️

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First game, Favorite game(s, couldnt pick just one of them), Favorite pokemon, Farvorite trainer https://t.co/kTCRnUrlQy

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Some pokemon characters I drew for

I’ve slowed down on drawing since I got my new editing job but I’m gonna hop back in by drawing more pokemon npcs

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【お題箱】アスナ 指定が無かったのでORAS

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I wanted to be Flannery when I grew up so bad, her and Cynthia 😂

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oh, and how could i forget about best girl? 😳

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