アルム(FE)のタグが付いたイラスト。 10ページ目

3077 件



14 32

also some old echoes illustrations the mae and boey one will simply never be finished </3

33 112

Fire emblem echoes really went off with its character designs.

0 2


85 279

Say what you want, but the 3DS-era Fire Emblem games are the best titles in the series.

0 0


1 7

A meno che non sia Hidari che va bene lo stesso

0 2


234 956

My luck this past week in FEH. All free summons.

0 14

If someone knows where I can get this book in less than 120USD (😱) please lemme know 💖 Echoes is the FE game that always brings grandpa to my mind and these last days together, so I would really love to have this book, silly reason I know, but is important to me. ✨

2 17


44 95

I hadn't drawn the best boi Alm in a while lol. 😅

0 4


I finally finished this! The 3DS is a perfect console for FE games. Some maps were real annoying & sometimes it was clunky but I still really liked it. Leon is the best. And Clair. And Luthier... And Jesse (my one hit kill machine)

0 3

Any and all of these somehow come to the Nintendo Switch.

They perfect 3DS emulation; somehow port them; remakes... I don’t know I just need them. https://t.co/QKs2pHOpkP

0 9

We will all die why not enjoy our time till the time comes

1 10

Didn’t want to miss out on this LFG!

3 15

they come in a pack, bi and married absolute legends

1 3

They are home!
I wanted Eliwood for a long time!
How about your summons? Luck?

9 60


23 51