エドワード・エルリックのタグが付いたイラスト。 316ページ目

26554 件


..very hurt and extremely dramatic victorian orphan child if you were to slightly inconvenience him

- cannot fucking swim in canon

- have you seen how flexible this boy is. NO bones. + he looks squishy

- no idea how 2 explain it but arakawa draws him /w a sad cat face


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- obvi i just joke about ed being a cat cuz i think it's funny + the faces he makes have strong cat vibes BUT

- spats he gets into with mustang have cat vs. dog energy first off

- small and angry/grumpy 90% of the time but secretly SO very affectionate if treated right


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What does my favorite anime say about me??

Got more favorites but these are probably my big 4 https://t.co/saSxTtp2XO

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113 397

1k celebration art for instagram

68 219

Ed and Winry

(and a bonus friend)

55 415

photo shoot with Edward Elric XD

2 6

I watched the full metal alchemist live action film today so here’s a lil repost of the fan art I did last year

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같이 양치하는 에드윈리를 보고 싶었다...

5 12


2 45

หัวร้อนวันละนิดกับหน้าม้า(?)เอ็ด ಥ_ಥ

1 13


0 0

이 사진 볼때마다 에드가 손이 작은건지 로이가 손이 큰건지 고민됨...

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Key Animation: ???
Source: Fullmetal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師) (2003) Episode


2 15

Art train thing
Last one was made on my phone, sorry if people who were in this get @ again


4 9

If you’re being sincere then I think you either need to watch more anime, or genuinely should consider getting your eyes checked because they’re worse than mine, and I’m literally legally blind. 😅 https://t.co/3VrewzZvCl

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Ca y es ! Le nouveau book prend forme, je suis tellement heureux et impatient de pouvoir tatouer ce que j aime autant dans mon métier que dans ma vie de tout les jours!
Hesitez pas à RT et liker ça m aiderai énormément !

10 15

Fullmetal Brotherhood 💪

🎶 Тебя соблазнил я
Прекрасной надеждой
Вернуть наш семейный очаг.
Мой брат, я во всем виноват. 🎶

1 18

Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

88 453