キング(KOF)のタグが付いたイラスト。 61ページ目

2197 件



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Tentar postar os desenhos com frequência aqui, não tô usando pra nada HAUAHAUAHA

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Ever since I saw King in the Terry presentation I just knew I had to draw her

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my bf has been playing king of fighters and I Am In Love with this woman. her name is KING. terry who? why didnt king get into smash

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that's it send tweet

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Congratulations to the chosen girls of SNK for appearing in Smash ultimate...
There will be another time for Mai Shiranui 😟
I hope you like it!

640 2545

Aw yeah

(also I can't believe I forgot how much you like K' earlier)

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all the recent SNK exposure has everybody talkin about Mai and Blue Mary but i havent seen anyone talk about the absolute best SNK character, King

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Birthday: 04/08
Age: 24
Country: France
Team: Women Fighters team
Game of origin: Art of Fighting
A Muay Thai specialist, King is an intense woman who is fiercely true to her own feelings. Caring for her friends deeply, while having hell in store for enemies. Even though she

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Yeah, so it turns out Terry really was THAT in-depth
Also King is underrated. I'm glad she's a cameo.

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King is underrated. I'm glad she cameos.
Also I really liked Psycho Soldier so I'm glad that song is in, plus Athena has her outfit from that game

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there's a Pixiv fan artist whose work I love that imagined an Obari-led KoF project

this is what dreams are made of


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To all the Smash players learning about SNK ladies, don't sleep on this absolute King~

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