ギラティナのタグが付いたイラスト。 37ページ目

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4. favourite legendary - i get him

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Retweet this cat immediately

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2. favorite pokemon game
a tie between Sun and Platinum. BUT Scarlet is close behind tbh, i love the new games a lot. and Shield had some of my fav characters ever

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4. My favorite Legendary is Giratina! It's just a baby...

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4.) I can’t not love him

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A doll and the machine
(9 movie fan art)

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2. I’d say my favorite game is a three-way tie between PLA, White, & Platinum.

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2. for favorite game i honestly cant decide between these 3 they are all so fun. platinum for favorite region and pokemon, b&w2 for story and content, and hg&ss for the extra region to explore and following pokemon

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4: Favorite Legendary:
uhhhh probably Giratina wormy form
silly scary dragon who acts like a puppy when u pet it

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4. one of my fav designs in pokemon, legendary wise

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4. Fave Legendary


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2. platinum baybee!!!! this game is such a huge comfort to me im constantly wanting to replay it

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4) Fav legendary : Giratina but shiny, we have a complicated history

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This is why Pokemon need to add wild colours to their shinies.

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2. Favorite pokemon game
All time favorite

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4. spooooky, i loved the edgier pokemon as a kid

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Haxorus isn't a pseudo-legendary, its stat total is 60 lower, but it feels like it kind of should be one. Hydreigon is a mon I love conceptually, but its shape is a little weird and ultimately I can't say it's my fav because of that - but it's my fav /idea/ of the dragons.

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1. Favorite Pokemon - An absolutely impossible question to answer succinctly, but off the top of my head here's some I particularly like.

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favorite game -
i like all of these :) i don't have a specific favorite game lol

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4. Well Giratina is my favorite legendary and Pokémon so there’s that... but I also really like Zekrom, Entei, and Deoxys

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1. I LOVE Giratina so much literally so raw fire amazing beautiful my favorite Pokémon ever... here are some honorable mentions too

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4. Favorite Legenddary: ANOTHER TOUGH ONE FUCK, here's my top 4

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4. Giratina, absolutely. Love this creature.

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