ギラティナのタグが付いたイラスト。 15ページ目

8791 件


“If you were a gym leader, drop your type and the 4 pokemon you would have on your team”

its hard for me to pick 4 of the same type cus most of my faves are wildly different but... https://t.co/aeUtzgYdcc

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色々ねえ 描いてたんですよ

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If you were a gym leader, drop your type and the 4 pokemon you’d have on your team.

If you know me, you know exactly what type of Pokemon trainer I'd jump into being https://t.co/YT7liZ8OKX

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If you were a gym leader, drop your type and the 4 pokemon you would have on your team

Dragon Type :3 https://t.co/oKeFLv2yDl

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Post your OC as;

1. A Romanceable NPC
2. Quest Giver NPC
3. Final Boss of the Game https://t.co/2MnSFdUSo8

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TFT Chibi base Zed and PROJECT CHIBI: Zed splasharts

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let me be a dual type gym leader actually

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if you were a gym leader, drop your type and the 4 pkmn you would have on your team
dragon types💪🏼
spectra la belle, bogmire, freight train, and oddman, sent out in that order https://t.co/KfUopj8KOU

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If you were a gym leader, drop your type and the 4 pokemon you would have on your team.

More than an easy pick for me, Dragon type all the way! https://t.co/EJxH0P6yjO

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진짜 개 열받음 귀여운 정도가 심하지 않냐?
내 지갑 쵸 비사아아아앙
내 적금 와르르 멘션

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Riot Games you son of a bitch you've done it again...

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Thanks for the share! Hope you reach 700 soon! I’m an artist that loves cartoons and video games. I draw characters from media I love as well as my own characters.

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Zed y su variante de PROYECTO llegará en la actualización de mitad del set de TFT: Monstruos al ataque


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