グリフィスのタグが付いたイラスト。 133ページ目

5182 件




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Как персонаж на самом деле выглядит:
Как его рисуешьб ты, потому что любишь сексуализированных миловидных мальчиков🌚🌚🌚:

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Personajes que asocio a un color.

Me dio el blanco : Estos son mis personajes . Fav y te doy un color
Gandalf El Blanco
Azog el Profanador

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ثريد فيه جميع الهارموني سيلز الموجودة بأنمي Kenpuu Denki Berserk
كذلك اللي يحب يقرأ أكثر عن الأنمي كتبت عنه مقال تحليلي في الرابط:

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Hey ya’ll, remember that design from last night? This is how I wanted them to actually look
Also changing their name. Originally it was Titos because it supposedly meant clay in Greek, but after fact checking I found it doesn’t. So I’m currently making their name Clay in English

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If you see this, expose your taste in Anime men https://t.co/2evHmKvnIp

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That 4 pics expose ur taste in men prompt....

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Los primeros que se me vinieron a la mente. https://t.co/DYMqMZeJs3

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If you see this, expose your taste in anime men https://t.co/3JVHt9cflb

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i tried making it without lineart X"DD. i caaan't do it, i love lineart too much xmx)

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i havent read berserk yet but griffith is very pretty so i drew him

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griffith did nothing wrong---- *shot* my favorite thing to yell at people who buy my berserk art lmao

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黄金時代編映画の時の何かの付録のポスター出てきて、これメッッッチャ良い絵なんだけど良いせいでこれ飾るだけでいろいろ思い出して精神が死ぬ でもメッッッッッチャ良い…………………………

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And Here I’m Present You:
Berserk Color Panels (From Volume 22-40 [On Now])
Textless Version
A Thread
Volume 22

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Not a mutual but i am an artist who loves Berserk, even if I barely draw art related to it, Miura's god tier art is intimidating. But I would love to try again.

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it's 5 AM i should probably to go sleep here's some experimental 4 color stuff
funny eclipse man and funny angery man tho

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This piece is 80% the background

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Here are some of my favorite White haired characters.
Also Netero's Hair was white in his youth too!
& Gintoki's hair sometimes looks blue but is described as silver in the show, which is just a more glowy white.

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Un nouveau chapitre de "Berserk" sera publié le 26 Juin 2020 dans le Young Animal... Oui vous avez bien lu 2 chapitres de Berserk à 2 mois d’intervalle.

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