コマンダン・テスト(艦これ)のタグが付いたイラスト。 7ページ目

2536 件



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https://t.co/bM5Rtxn8Gn akizuki (kancolle) commandant teste (kancolle) hatsuzuki (kancolle) richelieu (kancolle) teruzuki (kancolle) by ido (teketeke)

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https://t.co/ERH50OJUkX 15.2cm triple gun mount fairy (kancolle) by annin musou

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https://t.co/v4Yrr1qz9U commandant teste (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/mrSmSC7oGn commandant teste (kancolle) kinugasa (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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Entry for MetaVixens Xmas Contest
I love participating in contest because it gives me time to learn new things 🌟

And right now, it's discovering and using Tahoma2D for animation~

Prompts used : High Heels/Spaceship/Rainbow

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https://t.co/hS7cbbFENa commandant teste (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/OUR74rjCvi commandant teste (kancolle) richelieu (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/iGI00boVpV akizuki (kancolle) commandant teste (kancolle) hatsuzuki (kancolle) richelieu (kancolle) suzutsuki (kancolle) teruzuki (kancolle) by ido (teketeke)

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わーい、夏にたくさんお迎えしたCommandant Testeを育成中です。大好きなXmas衣装で改造! 3隻目のコマちゃんを押さえておけば、流石に「水母が足りない」は避けられるのでは。低速だけど4スロなので、ごり押しして使う所存です(笑)

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https://t.co/3uuVKgbrOf commandant teste (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/w235LHbvbl commandant teste (kancolle) kinugasa (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/JO2ppfsjkp commandant teste (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/C9AdWg0DVI commandant teste (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/0TxWqG8iFR commandant teste (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/IUJxTPW9xS commandant teste (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/0jjSPPLBB0 commandant teste (kancolle) kinugasa (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/8R6LYbd71O commandant teste (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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https://t.co/BSteRbLYWu commandant teste (kancolle) by mofu namako

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https://t.co/vuQbNOyTMd commandant teste (kancolle) iowa (kancolle) kinugasa (kancolle) littorio (kancolle) warspite (kancolle) by morinaga miki

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