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I like how the new grass-type Pokemon leader doesn’t give off that typical ‘gentle & happy’ grass-type vibes that the past trainers seem to.
I like Brassius 😊❣️here's a quick doodle!
¡Ya decía yo que el nuevo líder de Gimnasio de tipo Planta de Pokémon Escarlata y Púrpura se me hacía familiar! ¡Me recuerda mucho al actor y humorista español Quique San Francisco! #PokemonScarletViolet #Pokemon #PokemonEscarlataPurpura #Direct
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Introduce League Chairwoman, Geeta, Grass Gym Leader, Brassius & Team Star Fire Crew Leader, Mela - https://t.co/wRLzJhDNRF
For a design I made a month ago, it's not that bad!
...and holy cow I made him so much fucking handsome.
I like the official design much more tho
#SVLEAKS #Pokemon #PokemonScarletandviolet
Grass Piers is my favorite new Gym leader so far. Hope we get a Dark Milo to match him.
every gen pokemon takes the tired dilf to the next level, and frankly i'm afraid to see what they produce in gen 10