サトシ(ポケモン)のタグが付いたイラスト。 334ページ目

23460 件



0 4

Every tweet Pokémon makes during pride month I’m gonna put one of the really gay looking Raileon advertisements they’ve made

Plus the ones of them being dads

20 43

Since it’s the last day of Kalos Month, here’s a parting gift to this May.

5 16

Honest opinion of Diamond and Pearl’s comedy?

12 71

No ar mais um Jornadas do Carvalho!
Essa semana , e comentam sobre o retorno de Ash a Pallet e seu encontro com figuras do seu passado.
Você pode ouvir pelo site ou pelo seu agregador de podcast!


8 34

I can’t help but wonder:

How does a franchise and series as nostalgic, pure and wholesome as Pokémon attract so many despicable, toxic individuals?

It honestly is such a shame some are persistent on ruining the fun :(

17 90