サヨリ(DDLC)のタグが付いたイラスト。 15ページ目

14565 件



127 623

Fun fact sayori is the only ddlc character I draw with this specific brush lol

247 1508

I'm going to reopen commissions✍️I really want to pursue art and take it seriously! I want to draw all of you lovelies. Thank you so much! 🥰🍙

4 7

should i remake this?

0 4

Oi oi gente, tudo bem? o Tweet de interação de hoje é do especial de
300 seguidores.. Eu sei, foi mal, meio tarde mas eu tava pensando ainda nisso e reunindo lembranças também, mas aqui ta meu especial de 300 Seguidores e espero do fundo do meu coração que vocês gostem disso ❤❤

9 51



18 105

something very awesome is coming exactly one month from now

moots! tell me if you wanna be in it

0 10

どこから推しと言えば良いかわからないけど好き!なゲーム・アニメの子達 ネタバレの無い範囲です 共通点..あるかな..´`*

0 13

the thing i said i was gonna draw in twitter circle

30 190

There are some more Outfits that I wanna put the Monkers in.. I have a few ideas right now..

16 141

Care for those you Love most.

59 377

Tato, keeper of the file~ ♡ ⋆。˚

86 680


9 28

Oh also something you might like. I actually have models of all 4 girls from the Literature Club. Though they are not textured.

278 2254


0 30