シンアのタグが付いたイラスト。 8ページ目

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(เปิดพรี) Akatsuki no Yona Collaboration Cafe Original sheet

⿻ ชิ้นละ 560.- (รวมภาษีและส่งกลับ🚢)
⿻ มัดจำ 250.- (ที่เหลือชำระ พย)
❌ปิดพรี 01/10
⿻ ขนาด 10x14.8 cm
⿻ เว็บจัดส่ง พย ถึงไทย มค 23
📦ค่าส่ง 50/70.-

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ようやく出てきてくれたー( ;__; )
素敵すぎる( ;__; )

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いま初めてこの7人に出会ってめちゃびっくりした 好きすぎる

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D12: fave male character

i would kiss this man. it's still so funny that this very quiet baby's seiyuu is nobuhiko okamoto dsjhhjsk

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D11: fave genre

i would go for seinen, slice of life, and adventure too but my go-to and comfort genre will always be shoujo

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❔❔❔❔ 初めて見た

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Soon to be finished ✅

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벌써 여르ㅁ이에여 순산기원부적 받은 케쥐는 농사가 풍년이라네요

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Why is it during a rank game my pc decided to crash. Need to learn about computers to figure out why it does that so often

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finally can show the freebies that will come with all charm orders!

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I've been thinking about manga and otome a lot lately, and guys, "Yona of the dawn" would make a super great otome game... Just look at those babies, so precious❤️and Yona herself is so cool💪🏻, a great MC. Anyone else?

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(เปิดพรี) Akatsuki no Yona Can Badge tea party ver. BOX [A3]

⿻ Boxละ 1110.- (รวมภาษีและส่งกลับ🚢)
⿻ มัดจำ 500.- (ที่เหลือชำระ ตค)
⿻ รับ 6 box
⿻ ขนาด 6.5 cm
⿻ เว็บจัดส่ง ตค ถึงไทย ธค
📦ค่าส่ง 50/70.-

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I’m all caught up with Yona of the Dawn and all I can say is wow! Yona of the Dawn is an awesome series with a great plot, fun and intriguing characters and lots of action! If you like Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha or One Piece, then you’re bound to like Yona of the Dawn! Overall, 9/10!

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gepengie ini manga ya? judulnya apa dan bisa baca dimana?

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Siapa karakter favorite kalian di gepeng Y0na 0f the D4wn?

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When will we see them together again? I miss their moments as a group. 🥺

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Nico di Angelo (highest), Wen Qing, Shin-Ah, and Alucard 🤍🤍🤍

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Akatskui no Yona is more adventure and romance; MC kinda has a reverse harem, but they're there because it's plot relevant and/or they have a futile crush. MC starts out bratty, but matures over the course of the series once the inciting incident happens. An epic fantasy drama.

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Shin-Ah, Yona of the Dawn

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