ティーンエイジ・ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズのタグが付いたイラスト。 77ページ目

2896 件


The Final 24 Hours! Don't Miss Out On This Kickstarter! https://t.co/eDQ1fabtX9

24 73


738 1194

仙さんに2枚目描いてもらった…😂😂😂【 】ありがとうございます…🙄仙さんの亀…暖色ちゃん大好き…暖色ちゃんが兄弟してる…😂❤️🧡❤️🧡

5 16

12:30 just snuck up on me! Here's tonight's Please ❤️ or RT if you like it.

127 380

Orc sprites that made and I animated for him. This is for our game Advanced Tip and Tap

1 15

My mom pulled this out of storage and gave it to me this evening. Drawn for me by my dad’s cousin in ‘91. Meant the world to me back then; still kinda does 27(!) years later!

2 22

This is kinda old but .... still works XD

sensei decided to have "the talk" with his kids

5 36

The line that instantly made up my eight-year-old-mind as to who my favourite turtle was :D Sub for this weeks Ozcomics: https://t.co/Y0p9068xic

1 9


14 44

Toy Fair 2018 in New York starts Saturday February 17th! RT if you are looking forward to the new 'Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' toys!

5 18

Donating meristematic cells.

57 242

So how about those new TMNT designs?

1 9


1 3

Totally, they're really stretching every physical aspect of their designs. Compared to their origins, it's like the perfect example of divergent design evolution!

0 1


1773 2636

Go Ninja Go Ninja Go.
Go Ninja Go Ninja Go.
Go Ninja Go Ninja Go.

0 0

Cool dude, but kinda rude

59 302

Shoutout to who is playing from Bronze to GM in Overwatch. Drew his fanfic character Ultralord, but Doomfist. Hope he likes it ;o

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Debuting all of my new Harry Potter and Star Wars drawing in New Orleans this weekend. I'll also have this January Exclusive TMNT Print. Can't make the show? Order online: https://t.co/kC7gbPg4sI

0 3

Week 52: An insight into how wondrous a thing it is to welcome a new life into the world

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