ナツキ(DDLC)のタグが付いたイラスト。 304ページ目

13988 件



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2 ways to go...

1) just the title on spooky / tease game art.



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Monika’s tip of the day~
You’ll never know how good you may be at something unless you try. And if you like it, improve upon it. Nobody can stop you, unless you stop yourself. Whether you’re good at it or not, at least you learned that about yourself, and can move forward~

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I need to know the reason behind my chronic procrastination, I hate putting shit off

I always get it done in time, but still

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this game came out 3 years ago

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I'm so proud of her 🥺💗. Another drawing from my 7yr old. She drew this and showed me the process, i'ts amazing that shes able to do this at her age, I couldn't even do that. She loves to draw like her older sister and gets her inspiration from her 💕

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久しぶりに のお話💡


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Wouldn't it be cool if Toad (Red) and Natsuki swapped clothes?

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I'm live on Twitch! I'll be playing more of Doki Doki Literature Club blind tonight.I don't know what to expect, so this should be entertaining for you, dear viewer. https://t.co/C06peNA1er

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Been a long time since I’ve drawn, and an even longer time since I drew something more for myself. So here’s a Natsuki I drew in kinda my own style/take since I can’t draw anime 😩

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Natsuki Lucky star style because "I'm the only one that came up with this idea yep im the only one,no one else thought of this before me".#DDLC

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На самом деле, я уже давно хотел порисовать по этому шикарнейшему фэндому. И да, это две мои любимые девчонки, полные противоположности. В планах сделать с ними более жесткие арты, но это, пока что, только планы.

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Use it as a backdrop for your smartphone!

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[Transfem] If I looked like the girl in this meme I can't tell you how happy I would be. https://t.co/Jr5ksceQqK

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