ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフトのタグが付いたイラスト。 3ページ目

378 件


she said she likes underhonkahs

1940 16332

I...I drew the パンツ!!!😭

1254 9501

Bom dia! Dormiram bem?

Isso que dá ir dormir quase 04h. Agora que não estudo eu tô virando um morcego kkkkkk

4 28

nerissa with fever becomes extra needy?? 😳

2077 17523

Rissa shoots hearts! Take cover!!!

104 855

Nerissa in ~THE~ Sweater, just because she looks so cute in it 💙

534 3504


get well soon Nerissa!

501 3240

i dont know why i saw her blanket as a kimono sleeve

953 8433

Astarion ugly sweater ver.

377 4027

Nerizzler in Ugly Sweater (Also first time I got to draw the second mole 😉)

1337 9577

Don't worry guys, me and some other jailbirds helped Nerissa stay pure

293 3342

Ascended Advent - Restored Nerissa 🎼


1132 8083