ノエル=ヴァーミリオンのタグが付いたイラスト。 9ページ目

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October, 2022 Artwork

Noel Vermillion from Blazblue

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Ok,now it's time to go to sleep,now that I have work to do this weekend,I'm going to be really busy tomorrow so sorry if I'm not too active,goodnight,hope y'all had a great day (^-^)v✨✨

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Ok,time to sleep now,maybe I won't be too active tomorrow as I'm going to take a long walk,I'm glad I finally made a fully made doodle for this year,although it will take some time to complete another one,due to a slight creative block and that I'm actually going to rework-

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Ok,time to leave for now as I have some things to do,now this doodle looks more complete so I guess I could call it my first doodle of the year I think??,in any case,hope y'all are having a great day (*・∀・)ノ✨✨

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Nothing too crazy but I try to replicate her design with my own flare (*・∀・)✨ https://t.co/dFj6o34u63

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Ok,I'll leave for today as it's getting late,goodnight,hope y'all had a great day and let's do our best this week now that things are almost back to normal (*・∀・)ノ✨✨

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Finally,I was able to finish the previous weekend's work,during that time,I was able to make some progress in this doodle,hope y'all are having a great evening (^-^)v✨✨

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Ok,time start the day doing some chores and finish the previous weekend's work,hope y'all are having a great day (*・∀・)ノ✨✨

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Bunny girl Noel. Happy New Year. I wasn’t going to do one of these but I caved.

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Ok,I'll leave for now as I almost have no battery,now that the festive days are almost over,I decided to make a new header for this year,hope y'all are having a great day (*・∀・)ノ✨✨

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"Oh no,I became into a marketable plushie!!!!"

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It's time to say it now,happy new year ✨✨🎍("⌒∇⌒")🎍✨✨,hope we all have a great 2023 and let's do our best o(^o^)o🎊✨✨✨✨ (even though I don't have a doodle for this moment😅✨✨) https://t.co/AOMZwfZ9Yh

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-but it makes me feel proud of my own progress,I honestly don't have any goals in mind for the next year unlike many other people,I'll just keep trying doing my best and that's all🤷🏽‍♂️✨,hope y'all are having a great day,happy new year and let's do our best this new year🙇‍♂️🎍✨✨✨

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Ok,I'll leave for now as I have to go outside,to end this year,here's a collage of many Noel Vermillion doodles I've made during this year is going to end soon,kinda inconsistent in design even if I use the same basis for her design and it shows my favourite angle to draw😅✨-

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Thanks,the same goes for you (*・∀・)👍✨✨

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my 4 personal favorite pieces from this year!

Thanks for your support, y'all. I feel like I improved a bit in 2022, but I'll try to do even better in 2023. 😤🙏💙


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-fact that there's people that like what I do gives me the boost to keep doing my best,I nornally don't do this threads but given the day,I think it was a good moment to say it,goodnight hope y'all had a great day and hope y'all have a great new year ("⌒∇⌒")✨✨✨

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Ok,time to go to sleep as I have to go to work early tomorrow,now that the year is comming to an end,I want to say,thanks to all the people who like and share my doodles,even though I'm really far away to be called an artist,it makes me happy to see people liking what I do-

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Ok,I'll leave for today as it's almost time to sleep and I have some work tomorrow,fortunately this weekend seems to be lighter than in previous weeks,goodnight,hope y'all had a great day (*・∀・)ノ✨✨

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Well,I think one of the things I'm more proud of was to being able to draw more,even though I'm just able to do it thanks to the ammount of tools I have in digital but it was something I wanted to do since a long time ago and it makes me happy to see people liking what I do. https://t.co/Ljwm8WHykl

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These are some of the doodles I'm more proud for making this year,I promise I'll keep doing my best the next year (and hopefully finish more as some of these got made like 8 months ago but I just finished weeks ago😅)

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I tried drawing future knight and some how figured out how to color line art, is it good?

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Ok,I'll leave for now as I almost have no battery and it's getting late,here's some progress for this doodle which I'll post the full version the new year eve,also I'll have some work tomorrow so sorry if I'm not too active during the weekend,goodnight,hope y'all had a great day.

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It's between these two tbh. Very hard for me to choose. 😅

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Ok,time to leave in order to do some chores,hope y'all are having a great day (^-^)v✨✨

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Hola de nuevo guys lamento si tarde un poco en el dibujo pero les dejo a Noel Vermillion de blazblue (her birthday is on 25 of dec) tengan un buen día o noche, bye for now!

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Ok,time to go to sleep,this day was so cold that I was on my bed most of the time🥶,what's worse is that my fingers suffer the most and that makes hard to play videogames or do most things,in any case,goodnight,hope y'all had a great day (*・∀・)ノ✨✨

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