
609 件



6 30


4 14

Now it’s complete, all team blue member are banana.

35 133

How about some Chibi Barbara for yours 1 of 600 tweets 😁.

38 90

You on dare or something my dude?.. what happen to your account, all of sudden.. https://t.co/dIz1necEC8

10 36

updated drawing of one i had done almost a year ago

5 19

"Have we gotten a non edgy mg show in the last 10 years?" Yes. Plenty. US anime fans just refuse to watch them or don't know they exist (excluding Precure, LWA, the exceptions), so I gotta keep coming across posts like this. -_- https://t.co/OWFxaQyBJz

167 997


Hannah: *whispering* Barbara, What’s the matter?
Barbara: Nothing~
Hmm Hannah Without her hair band feels something isn’t right, it’s like her signature.

27 83

With 2022 coming to an end I feel like I gotten a lot better with my art, with some of my personal favorites. Thanks to some of my amazing friends who supported me this year, you guys should check out!!

4 8

Barbara commission 🧙🏻‍♀️

55 276



33 121

My face when i see my payroll and find out they didn't paid my overtime anymore due to saving cost.
Anyway happy winter~

14 52

Hannah: Bar-Babara stop the car!!
Barbara: I trying!!
*Crash* *Hit a person*
Hannah: Bar..ba..r-
Barbara: This isn’t my fault!. This..,This is Akko fault!. Why she didnt save that person.
Source: Chainsaw Man
Idea by:

11 52