パープルハートのタグが付いたイラスト。 75ページ目

4725 件


The IFI Charity Auction is now CLOSED! Congratulations Henry W. for the highest bid at $5200!

We're happy to announce that IFI will match this bid by 100% and will be donating $10,400 in total to 's fight against COVID-19.

Thank you all for supporting this cause!

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I was given the color purple 💜 and these are the characters I found

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Favorite Neptunia waifu?

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I Start My Name is KiryuG93 I am a Traditional Artist Who draw FanArt and create my own OC on this Account.
I also Draw NSFW work it is on my Alternate Account.

Pixiv: https://t.co/TnMar5a8XU
DeviantArt: https://t.co/9zoqc4YGpw

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Purple Heart looks so very gorgeous!

It makes want to RESPECT her so much!! 💜💜💜

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I remember when I first started drawing in 2016, I used to draw Noire, Black Heart, Purple Heart, Nepgear, Uni, Rin and some of my other favorites, and I could release it all for free.

It sucks mixing money with drawing. I miss drawing my favorites and not needing to paywall.

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I found this image with my old Chaos Purple Heart drawing xD

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Soo~ i'm done❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Image in my PFP if you were wondering

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I fixed it…?

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Yesterday was really great. Hopefully The 10th Anniversary Festivities carry on into The Next 12 Months with more project reveals. I also hope that The Goddesses had a great 10th Anniversary After Party last night.

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Happy 10th anniversary~
( )
I'm done~ after 13hrs xD but... I Love her :333

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So I've always seen people ask where to start with the series, and there is no better place to start with than the Re;Birth games, Steam/Vita. They are remakes of the original 3 titles, and are great. Than play VII(Steam/PS4), which will cover than main titles.

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10 years and it’s still going strong, Here’s to one of my favorite RPG franchises! Happy 10th anniversary, Neptunia!

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So I had ppl tell me to try neptunia series
Steam has a 75% off sale going on for all thier games.
If I were to get into it what games should I get?

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Feliz décimo anniversario de neptunia :D

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