ヒカリ(ゼノブレイド)のタグが付いたイラスト。 323ページ目

16454 件



13 42

I'm beginning to think I have a type

3 57

can somebody like make a mod for Pyra/Mythra that just has the two of them together, just replace every instance of Rex with the opposite girl. so for their win screens like this, final smash, even their taunts where they can wave to each other. that would be so amazing ^ ^

46 174

Nintendo would just need to give her some tights. It's a very easy change that they had no problem doing with Mythra!

0 11


96 290


今無印やってるけどノポン族のリキ仲間になりました✨かわよいわぁ これかー仲間になるノポン族って

3 6

Mythra coloring time lapse. Testing out CSP's timelapse recorder.

1 3

Finally finished my Mythra drawing!!!

22 69

I think I like this Pyra/Mythra alt the most because it reminds me of the rainbow plugsuits from 3.0+1.0

1 9


I like both Pyra and Mythra a lot, but I’m going to put Pyra here because she’s a lot sweeter and kinder by nature. She’s super nice, caring, and she’s just very very good and I like her a lot

Mythra is good too, but since this is crushes, Pyra will go here

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This was a Patreon exclusive drawing I did last year. I decided to post it here for you guys to enjoy!

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Pyra & Mythra!
Collab with . Check them out!
I did the linework. Sin did the color, shading and BG.

12 39

Fechando o mês de abril com a bunny que prometi🐰 Obrigada por esperarem e interagirem comigo ❤
Me inspirei na arte de
Gostaram da surpresa?

11 52

2018 vs 2021. Wow 2018 was a hard year

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