ベルセルクのタグが付いたイラスト。 285ページ目

15893 件


Stinky Griffith art I did yesterday. Need more inspo..

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El manga de Berserk, escrito e ilustrado por Kentarou Miura, ya ha superado las 50 millones de copias en circulación a nivel mundial. Dicha cifra toma en cuenta tanto publicaciones impresas como las copias digitales vendidas a través de diferentes plataformas.

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R.I.P Miura Kentaro, thank you for bringing one of my all time favorite Mangas and characters into existence. Your work was inspirational.

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Painted this while ranking for Taichi, tonight I’m painting Citron and Itaru heehee

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Honourable mentions:

School Rumble
Lucky Star

0 32

The top chef of the underworld makes her appearance in

Before you pack up your knives and go, check out Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar over on Daily MTG: https://t.co/qqJ8658c90

Art by Ryan Pancoast

(Yes, you can just say "Asmor," we're all cool with that)

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Descansa en paz Miura. Desde joven he seguido su manga y ha sido uno de las mayores inspiraciones no sólo para mis dibujos sino para no abandonar el arte. Gracias.

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As little as my experience with Berserk was, I always appreciated its themes and visual identity.
I wanted to make a bit of a tribute, remixing the Berserker armor into a Dead Space rig.
RIP Kentaro Miura

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Varios medios reportaron que el manga de ya superó las 50 millones de copias en circulación a nivel mundial entre los cuarenta volúmenes recopilatorios publicados hasta la fecha.

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鎧のデザインが難しす。( ;∀;)

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映画ベルセルクART BOOK📖 📕

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some fanart of Griffith because I really loved the series and wanted to commemorate it.

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Well well!

Barak inspired by Guts, Artorias and Spawn https://t.co/vQrA0g5GNE

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The big man Horace inspired by 3 other big men
And Marv https://t.co/aIeKDfCBb9

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Quiet Resolve - A Tribute To Berserk and Kentaro Miura's Work

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