ベルセルクのタグが付いたイラスト。 299ページ目

15790 件


In tribute of Kentaro Miura, I remember you this fanart of Berserk I made a few years ago. Rest in peace.

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The lyrics hit different now

118 538

Tribute to Miura-sensei,
And those whose revenge have not paid.

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Sinceramente me faltan las palabras para expresar lo mucho que su obra significa para mí y para mucha gente.

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"No hay un final triste, sí disfrutaste de tu vida al máximo".

¡#FelizJueves NAKAMAS! 😢

23 85

アメリカと日本の行き来が多かったのですが、どこの国にいても「ベルセルクってマンガ知ってる?」と聞くとみんな知っていて、すぐお友達になれた。学友からキャスカ描いて!と言われてがんばってマネして描いたなぁ。Berserk really touched our heart.

57 183

rip in Kentaro Miura, the creator of berserk

I haven't read much of berserk but from I have read it's a story of never giving up and overcoming your hardships no matter the circumstances. Thank you for being an inspiration to me as an artist and for making one of the best mangas

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RIP mr. Miura, votre mort nous attriste profondément 🙏🏻

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May you rest in peace Miura sensei

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Thank you for 32 years of inspiration.
RIP, Kentaro Miura.

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was the masterpiece Poor miura fights with a deadly disease Aortic dissection we respect ✊ his story and he was real guts .

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C'est avec une énorme tristesse que l'on apprends le décès de Kentaro Miura, auteur de Berserk, le 6 Mai dernier des suites d'une dissection aortique à l'âge de 54 ans.

Pensées et condoléances à sa famille, un grand nom du manga nous quitte.

42 184

Just found out that Kentaro Miura passed away. I started reading Berserk 2 years ago, and the talent and imagination he possessed was unreal. A huge inspiration for me and many others, you will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace

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Rest in peace Miura-sensei

I've become recently a Berserk's fan but this masterpiece totally got me

I'm so speechless...

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ベルセルク黄金時代篇 Blu-ray BOX【Blu-ray】 [ 岩永洋昭 ] [楽天] https://t.co/Erd1Pbt4ej

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Berserk / ベルセルク 
Illustration Art Book

by Kentaro Miura

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This was the last thing I ever wanted to come back to Twitter for....

I don't think I ever truly managed to express how important Berserk is to me, and I don't think I can do it justice even now.

I truly hope Kentaro's soul rests in peace, he will not be forgotten.

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An old image I drew all the way back in 2004, a "happy" moment between Guts and Griffith. We'll miss your beautiful stories, Miura-sensei.

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RIP Kentaro Miura.

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