ベルセルクのタグが付いたイラスト。 329ページ目

15711 件


입시도 끝났겠다 좀 오래 쉬었겠다 트친소 돌려용 나랑 트친 하실 분....가끔 가뭄에 싹나듯이 그림도 그리구용..성인이구 그 그림에 알페스가 첨가되어있을 수도 있으며...(거의 없을 거에요 사실 언급조차 없음..그냥 어쩌다 진짜 한 번씩 알페스일 수도 있음) 지뢰 없구 로저 최애에유

9 27

Hi! I would really love to participate in this if you allow me to. I can work with detailed descriptions and even whatever you like best about your character ^^

0 0

ハンターキラー 潜航せよ
米露潜水艦の直接対決、特殊部隊による偵察、敵味方を超えた友情… 男子のロマンがこれでもかと詰め込まれた良作。割と荒唐無稽な話なのに潜水艦部隊周りの描写が非常に緻密で、最後まで没入出来た。ソナーの反響音等の音響効果も素晴らしく、ホント劇場で観るべきだった…🥺

5 82

Griffith quick doodle. from art with fungus discord ses.
finally finished it \(^-^)/
here's to you kiddo~

3 12


28 64

Trabalhando na Indiazinha...

4 15

i have a million things to do so have more watercolors

4 10

These women are all incredible badass action stars.

1 1

Died in 1681: Dutch painter active in England (ca. 1600-81)

Portrait of Henry Howard, 6th Duke of Norfolk (1628-1684), ca. 1670-5

0 2

Uf, tengo varios amigos que por mi culpa se están leyendo Berserk, y ha llegado al momento prometido, el momento, EL momento de Berserk, solo voy a decir

Griffith no hizo nada malo mis huevos

0 1

Who’s wishin him a happy birthday tho? 🎂🎉

13 156

Short hair anime girls ♡

Casca (Berserk)
Mikasa (Attack on Titan)
Akane (Psycho Pass)

150 2667

Watching Halo Legends last night got me fucked up.

93 803

Just Wanted a Kingdom
But He already get tho..

0 11

9話のグリフィス良すぎて死んだ 好き

0 2

Ça critique l'animation de mappa mais dites-vous juste que l'animation berserk existe

146 1091

Shinkai had never seen fire before. This was her first time seeing and feeling the warmth of a flame. She would spend the entire night burning random leaves and things she would find...

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Extremely non-sus lizard with a boba

7 55

Guts from Berserk, gave me a similar vibe

He's a total badass, it's a great (and VERY dark) manga

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