ホルス(Ennead) のタグが付いたイラスト。 16ページ目

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야생의 와기새는 숙부가 자신에게 관심을 주지않자 (삐진) 화가 난 것 같다.

136 861

보고 싶은 걸 그리는 재주가 없어 지인한테 커미션을 맡겻서료(*˙︶˙*)☆*°
별가루 뿌리는 요정날개 호루스와 귀염뽀작 김세트


18 75

It's okay baby, I'm teasing. Those fingers have lots of good uses😘

0 3

이 장면 아내 임신 소식 동네방네 자랑하고 아이 태어나는 날 국경절 삼겠다는 주접 남편 개패서 뜯어말리는 거 같음

"아 좀 가만히 있으라고!!!"
"어떻게 가만히 있을 수 있습니까 쌍둥이라는데!!"

30 190

I’ll share traditional this time then!

0 6

귀엽잖아요 호루스..

312 1891

쬐금 늦었지만 트친소써봅니다 호홓 최고로 모시겠습니다👍 엔네아드_트친소

7 23

obsessed with how we thought Horuseth would be teasing, obnoxious, grinning Seth coming onto poor Horus when honestly its teasing grinning cute Horus coming onto a flustered/confused Seth

65 559

No thoughts, just Horus being a cunning little fella and sneaking in sly touches when Seth least expects it. (͡o‿O͡)

69 555

A good hubby would help wifey’s beauty routine. 好人夫就是要幫忙老婆梳髮髮🥰 你倆結婚吧

30 200

I've only just noticed that despite how Horus has shown care and shock for both Isis and Seth, he's SO much more surprised when it comes to Seth, likely because he was used to seeing Seth as the strongest being and an amazing god of war. ENNEAD packs so many details so well!!!

13 184

The ways they hold each other's face are so tender, but the reactions are vastly different😓. What a couple ❤️💙

39 404

우락부락 떡대공을 냅다 하늘로 던지는 세트가 진정한 강수 아닐까

37 250

歐虧這4今天畫的,如果荷魯斯親了叔叔,叔叔會有蛇麼反應?A或B或是一起^-^ What would Seth react if Horus kisses him? A or B or A&B come along.

149 848

호루스 : 부끄럽습니다💕

8 61

호루세트 🫂

420 2449

Unfortunate gods & goddesses whose headdresses/masks fell victim to Seth hands.

81 640

Regarding the recent hieroglyph, it doesn't mean that this is how Ennead is going to end. There is so much that we still don't know regarding many characters and concepts, and knowing how wild Seth is, he won't let it go just like that. The hieroglyphs also don't complete +

29 303

it’s all about Horus always carrying Seth like he’s the most precious thing

32 159

As I lost my head decoration as a god, none of you can wear it as well!!!!

25 360

Thank you Seth for trying so many times to show us Horus' face

104 704

The chronicles of Horus being an uwu baby.

63 344

ฮอรัส :หน้าท่านอาไปโดนไรมา อ้ากกกก!!!

เชี่ย ลูกเราหลุดคาร์แรงมากก 🤣 คนนิ่งๆโบ้ๆ มาร้องอ้ากอ่ะแก555555555

18 54


ถีบหลังเข่า กระชากเศียร ดึงหัว ไม่ยั้งมือเลยท่านอา5555555

7 46

ENNEAD spoilers//


73 628

S2 spoilers💙
So, this is definitely one of my top favorite scenes in the latest chapter 😂⬇️ "But I'm a precious child..." Reminds me of S1, when Horus was trying to remind Seth that he is younger than Anubis. I love Horus so much 😄

118 621

When will he take it off alreadyyyyyy

0 2

Seth's knee-cracking! Yeahhhhh!!!! 膝カックン!!!膝カックン!!!
Yes, that's right! You're a precious child, too! And the youngest!🐥 FG is still the same and Horus was cute this time. Horus… trying to be cool in front of Seth doesn't go over very well. (lol)
(ENNEAD S2 chapter 32)

8 64