ポッチャマのタグが付いたイラスト。 315ページ目

14843 件


No he tenido que pensarlo mucho 😍 No me esperaba tener tanto hype, sobre todo por el de Arceus, tiene pintaza ❤️ No entiendo por qué hay tanto hater la verdad 😅

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My lovely blue bird💙

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My Starter Pokémon throughout the years, I love them all!

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drop your first game, your favourite game, your favourite Pokémon and your favourite trainer!

(Spoilers) iM a Sinnoh hoe https://t.co/myEYgfrhNQ

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Working on drawing some guys.. here's one of them.

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Close up screenshots!

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i hate choose just one fav pokemon, there are so many options😅

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Drop your first game, your favourite game, your favourite Pokémon and your favourite trainer. https://t.co/3hZKj77BdG

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first game, fav game, fav pokemon, fav trainer 💕 https://t.co/NlFBJmG1ez

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I didn't know choosing between torchic and piplup would be this hard

drop your first game, your favorite game, your favorite pokémon, and your favorite trainer 🌌

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нет все-таки моя традишка 2012-2013 годов была бомбической, так хочу вернуться к этому всему :<

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and when i say i love all the poke girls. I Mean It

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Happy and congratulations on your 25th Anniversary, Pokémon! This series has personally brought me so much joy as a child in playing the games, watching the anime, collecting cards, plushes, toys and more. I look forward to more in the future!

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These tiny pocket monsters have meant so much to me over the years. All started with Pokemon Yellow and the Anime to solidify my favorite series to now. Hope for many more years to come 💖

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나의 팽도리...이뿌게 나올꺼라 믿어

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Doodle 86. Somebody, stop this man, he has too many children already.

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