マリオのタグが付いたイラスト。 2ページ目

56074 件


Cuz seriously

Anyone with the death penalty is beyond redemption

At least Not nowadays where information is shared everywhere

0 3

Oh yeah, morals?
Criminals don’t give a fuck about those

I’d rather save someone I care about than +2000 criminals who are in the death row

Personal opinion,
Human rights shouldn’t be a thing for those who break them in the first place
Just sayin’ https://t.co/2bNeEEGzHG

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This one is actually a nice story…

0 1

This actually a good one pal.
Not joking

Trust me

0 2

Dunno, I don’t eat these things.

I like chocolate, only that

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That’s what you call bloody stuff?

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Laws have lost their purpose in the current system.

Honestly I’m a believer of the “eye for eye” rule.
But well, humans are dumb enough to allow this so what can I say

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…at least they went out quickly…

Surviving that wouldn’t be possible, and if they did it would at least break 95% of all their bones

And honestly that’s for the one who took less damage…

And man I didn’t want to see someone dying today

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I didn’t fell for it but yeah, great bait

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It doesn’t really matter to me.
I want sachi.
Good for her as a fan, but I don’t know her, nor care about her

If I was the dev I wouldn’t add anyone aside of the main cast

What’s the context? Just cuz why not?
Story? How did she get in?
Its timeline stops being canon with this

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兄さんRPG兄弟 と兄弟

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兄さんRPG兄さん と弟

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Super Mario fan art

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