ラムダデルタのタグが付いたイラスト。 11ページ目

2499 件


No irónicamente, gracias a las parejas gays en la ficción mi respeto y amor por estas en todo aspecto de mi vida no ha hecho más que mejorar. Hace muchos años podrían darme muy igual, hasta que las vi y dije "Bua, desde cuánto son tan lindos los putos?". Adoro total

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Happy October 4th! Here are some of my favorite drawings for Umineko day

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I've gotten busy with college this year. So for I think I'll work on sketches I drew for Umitober last year.

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I wasn't able to post this yesterday due the event's rules but now im pleased to offer you...UMIMANJUS! Are soft and squishable :D if you're interested please give a peek to the link! thankss

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Drawing from 2016. Back then I've used one of the default filters for all of my watercolors =___= Now I understand how strange it looks (paper is actually white)

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I have not drawn Beato yet but check out my Lambda.

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さとりかにラムダ、ベルン衣装を着せた「と或る魔女ノ装束を纏ひてシリーズ」で沢山のいいねを頂き大変嬉しく思っております。まだまだ4弾、5弾と続く予定ですので乞うご期待くださいませ(_ _)

10 31

Sorry for the repost, I made a mistake in my first book review post yesterday and it bothered me that the thread was out of order💦

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That's way too good Amy!! You're once again the best!

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10 22

Book Review
Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Episode 2
Score: ★★★★☆
The most gruesome installment yet… we are shown an almost child-like cruelty with Beatrice’s character, it also begins to introduce the pantheon of witches: Bern "Magic of Miracles" and Lambda "Magic of Certainty".

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I never thought I'd feel bad for Furudo Erika but Ryukishi really managed it in this scene

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goofin around with the umineko text generator. took a while to figure out but you type <br> for line breaks, you can't just hit enter

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lambda looks like she's someone who would like kyary pamyu pamyu 💖🍬

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Holy birsh, this is popping off!! Follow me for more WTC brainrot, I guess! ! ! !

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Having troubles studying, so I am doodling Lambda next to all of the exercises

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shes not the most goodfacesbot umineko character but shes up there for sure

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