リザードンのタグが付いたイラスト。 91ページ目

31910 件


the only thing i'll praise Pokémon scarlet and violet for, and newer Pokémon games in general, is the fact that they're acc improving the models like they said they would

look at Charizard now he looks so much better. not as cool as the Ken Sugimori art but still, good job

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La pittura è una professione da cieco:
uno non dipinge ciò che vede, ma ciò che dice a sé stesso riguardo a quello che ha visto.
Pablo Picasso

🎨 Tre donne, 1907

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Re-adding Charmander to this thread because I'm still giddy about how it came out

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¡Hoy a las 19:00 PM ESP nos vemos en stream jugando al Pokemon Escarlata! Voy a estar farmeando raids del Chorizard para aprovechar el último día del evento ¡Nos vemos a la tarde! 🌠

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ヱndR0ルさん( )の企画でブレイドラさん描きました

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i do not blame you. Brooklyn's got a handsome mug @

16 82

Started using CSP for the first time instead of photoshop and drew charizard :)

24 166

Watched all 5 parts of Awakening and it was great! Brooklyn is still my favorite, always,


Lex 👀🥰

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Charizard 🔥 (By me)

(Posted by Pythonicio: https://t.co/7HvHmH5yw0)

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Apr 21, 2015. By: Ria.15
[32 Yeahs!] [1 reply] (EU)
"Gkurak für Pika ☆ :) :) "

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Muspell is just ripped shiny gigantamax charizard

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Charizard's Artwork of AG anime

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So who would win in the first 7-star raid? Big fire breathing lizard given Dragon status, or a fun little water rabbit? (The answer may surprise you)

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It’s in this tension that abstract art exists - it is the freest form of making we have within the framework (and limitations) of our cognition. This context is relevant to the discussion of AI and abstract art for a few reasons.

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