リザードンのタグが付いたイラスト。 25ページ目

32458 件


Post your favourite Pokémon and let assume things of you https://t.co/HAIkEwb6gU

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I'm going by what moved me as a child, not whats competitive 😆

Why do people dislike the way Meganium looks so much 😭 Meganium is SO frickin' cute. https://t.co/UWmSHrDgdo

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俺のリザードン 「バトルなら、俺も付き合うぞ?」

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Threw some plot twists in there for y’all😏 https://t.co/IToDeFVs9K

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The only Charizard I like is Ash Charizard
Or My game Charizard

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Cuddly wizards under dancing lights - in watercolour

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Thanks for the share! I hope you like Pokémon and Digimon because on a kick with monsters right now.

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You must weight furret like twice as favorite in your equations https://t.co/chvAl9x33B

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post 4 of your favorite pokémon and let people assume things about you!!

Blazekin & Gardevoir are my favorite favs 😭 https://t.co/B50JFC2OGG

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J'ai hésité avec le Magearna Pokéball, mais la version de base est super aussi https://t.co/b6HldE22h2

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twisty longma tianhuo!
also, DTIYS?

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"post 4 characters you relate t-" SCREW THAT post 4 of your favorite pokemon and let people assume things of you https://t.co/u16oSHWyR1

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Gallade(!!!), gardevoir, charizard, typhlosion 👉👈 https://t.co/f6HemRhiVq

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やってみるか…リザードン 、出てこい!後は飛ぶぞ!

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Loidman riding Charizard.

I drew this to celebrate Ash Ketchum's retirement as well as the 4th anniversary of SpyxFamily.
I was obsessed with Pokémon when I was younger. Now I am with SxF.❤️‍🔥

The purple sweater is a reference to Green from the manga.

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Post 4 of your favorite Pokémon and let people assume things about you https://t.co/OdS6aqjVlv

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